(229) 246-8681 | 504 Wheat Ave., Bainbridge, GA 39819

Oral Appliances


    Do you experience headaches, sore facial muscles when you wake up, or sensitive teeth? It is possible that you are clenching or grinding your teeth while you sleep. This can lead to migraines, cracked teeth, and broken fillings. We offer a variety of night guard options to help counteract the effects of this damaging nocturnal habit and help protect your teeth and muscles.

    Mouth Guards

    If you or your children are active in sports then you know how important it is to protect their teeth while they’re on the field. We offer custom made, custom fit mouth guards for athletes that come in a variety of colors to help show their team spirit while providing important protection to their teeth and surrounding tissues.

    Snore Guards

    If you or a loved one suffer from snoring then we can help. A good night’s sleep is possible for you with a custom fit snoring appliance to help with that snoring condition.

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